@Article{ChabasEtal2018, URL = {https://evolepid.cefe.cnrs.fr/pub/ChabasEtal2018.pdf}, Author = {Chabas, Hélène and Lion, Sébastien and Nicot, Antoine and Meaden, Sean and van Houte, Stineke and Moineau, Sylvain and Wahl, Lindi M. and Westra, Edze R. and Gandon, Sylvain}, Title = {Evolutionary emergence of infectious diseases in heterogeneous host populations}, Journal = {PLoS Biology}, Volume = {16}, Number ={9}, Pages = {e2006738}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pbio.2006738}, keywords = {host resistance ; host-parasite coevolution ; bacteriophages ; emergence}, year = {2018} }