Evolution of host life-history traits in a spatially structured host-parasite system (bibtex)
  Author         = {Débarre, Florence and Lion, Sébastien and van Baalen, Minus and Gandon, Sylvain},
  Title          = {Evolution of host life-history traits in a spatially structured host-parasite system},
  Journal        = {The American Naturalist},
  doi            = {10.1086/663199},
  URL = {https://evolepid.cefe.cnrs.fr/pub/DebarreEtal2012.pdf},
  Volume         = {179},
  Number         = {1},
  Pages          = {52-63},
  som            = {https://evolepid.cefe.cnrs.fr/pub/DebarreEtal-EvolHostLifeHistSpat-2012-SOM.pdf},
  Abstract       = {Most models for the evolution of host defense against
                   parasites assume that host populations are not
                   spatially structured. Yet local interactions and
                   limited dispersal can strongly affect the evolutionary
                   outcome, because they significantly alter
                   epidemiological feedbacks and the spatial genetic
                   structuring of the host and pathogen populations. We
                   provide a general framework to study the evolution of a
                   number of host life-history traits in a spatially
                   structured host population infected by a horizontally
                   transmitted parasite. Our analysis teases apart the
                   selective pressures on hosts and helps disentangle the
                   direct fitness effect of mutations and their indirect
                   effects via the influence of spatial structure on the
                   genetic, demographic, and epidemiological structure of
                   the host population. We then illustrate the
                   evolutionary consequences of spatial structure by
                   focusing on the evolution of two host defense
                   strategies against parasitism: suicide upon infection
                   and reduced transmission. Because they bring no direct
                   fitness benefit, these strategies are counterselected
                   or selectively neutral in a nonspatial setting, but we
                   show that they can be selected for in a spatially
                   structured environment. Our study thus sheds light on
                   the evolution of altruistic defense mechanisms that
                   have been observed in various biological systems.},
  year           = {2012}
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